Monday, March 9, 2009

ZINE CLUB + O Week + New Zines by The Lorax


So in case you haven't already heard: we, the makers of MACDOODLE, have created a student group at Macquarie University called ZINE CLUB. And because we're lazy and can't be bothered making a separate blog/site for the club, both ZINE CLUB and MACDOODLE news is gonna be updated here.

We had a brilliant time at O week and want to thank everyone who signed up to ZINE CLUB. We think you are all incredibly good looking and can't wait to see you make some equally good looking zines.

Left to Right: Rocky, Bananaman & The Lorax at the ZINE CLUB O Week stall

ZINE CLUB is going to have a stall at smART arts festival (Saturday 4th April) and MCA zine fair (Sunday 24th May). Which means it'll be a good opportunity for all you ZINE CLUB members to sell/distribute your zines through our stall! Email for more information.

Also, some exciting news is that NEXT READ, a new second hand bookshop on campus, has offered to distribute zines by our members on their counter. At the moment you can pick up a (new mini version) of my zine "Little Yellow Umbrella" for $1, but keep an eye out for a different zine every fortnight!

And finally, there are two new zines I have made. They are called: "Anecdotes" and "Dear Centrelink". They look like this:

Anecdotes features, well, anecdotes from my life including the (rather popular) story about time I tried to take a boy to Canberra against his will.
Dear Centrelink is more or less an open letter to the government agency that my life tends to revolve around.
Email if you want a copy. Trades always welcome.
Gotta go, dinner is burning.
Love from,
The Lorax

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