Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Frequently Asked Questions [that no one actually asked but we feel like answering them anyway]

Q. What the hell is this??

We are collecting Macquarie students doodles to publish in our zine as part of a community art project that celebrates students doodles.

Q. What the hell is a "zine"??

A small circulation publication usually made with a photocopier by individuals or small groups. It's basically an underground, indie kinda thing. Look it up in Wikipedia ( or Urbandictionary ( It's pronounced "zeene".

Q. What do you mean by "doodles"?

Any kind of scribbled drawing in your lecture notes that you or friends have done. We also stretch the term to include caricatures, song lyrics, written conversations you've had with friends during class, initials of people you're infatuated with inside tiny love hearts, rants, hitlists and just about ANYTHING that is not your actual uni work.

Q. How can I contribute mine?

There are three ways:

  • Contact us at to organise to meet on campus to give us a photocopy of your doodle. Or the original if you want.

Q. Will I be paid?

Hell no. We are transgressing the capitalist ideals and working outside its boundaries. Therefore, money has shit all to do with anything we do.

Q. Will I be recognised for my artistic talents?

If you request recognition, sure, why not? However we want to primarily use anonymous contributions, similar to that of Postsecret:

Q. When will it be published? How can I get a copy?

We are currently working on a first issue comprised of our own doodles which should be finished by mid-November '08. The next one we are hoping will be next semester, providing of course we get enough response from YOU! Contact us for a copy - it's free:

Q. I have a question to ask that isn't answered here. Or, I want to abuse/praise you. What can I do?
